The Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in Israel Symposium:

Science of Tomorrow


Chair: Prof. Adi Kimchi, Israel Academy Member, Weizmann Institute of Science

15:30 Registration and Gathering

16:00 Greetings

Prof. Nili Cohen, President, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Prof. Nicholas B. Dirks, President & CEO, New York Academy of Sciences

16:10 SESSION I Life Sciences of Tomorrow

Chair: Prof. Adi Kimchi, Israel Academy Member, Weizmann Institute of Science

From Bat Brains to Navigating Robots
Prof. Yossi Yovel, Israel Young Academy Member, Tel Aviv University | 2021 Blavatnik Awards
Laureate in Life Sciences

Decoding the Functions of Long Non-coding RNA
Prof. Igor Ulitsky, Weizmann Institute of Science | 2020 Blavatnik Awards Laureate in Life Sciences

17:00 SESSION II Chemistry of Tomorrow

Chair: Prof. Adi Kimchi, Israel Academy Member, Weizmann Institute of Science

Nanoparticle Self-Assembly: From Fundamental Studies to Developing New Materials
Prof. Rafal Klajn, Weizmann Institute of Science | 2021 Blavatnik Awards Laureate in Chemistry

Playing LEGO with Proteins: Principles of Protein Assembly in Cells
Prof. Emmanuel Levy, Weizmann Institute of Science | 2020 Blavatnik Awards Laureate in Chemistry

17:50 Break

18:10 SESSION III Physical Sciences & Engineering of Tomorrow

Chair: Prof. Moti Segev, Israel Academy Member, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Shining Light on the Quantum World with Ultrafast Electron Microscopy
Prof. Ido Kaminer, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology | 2021 Blavatnik Awards Laureate in
Physical Sciences & Engineering

Video : The Science of Information Security in the World of Digital Data
Prof. Guy Rothblum, Weizmann Institute of Science | 2020 Blavatnik Awards Laureate in Physical
Sciences & Engineering

18:40 SESSION IV The Future of Science in Israel

Chair: Prof. Moti Segev, Israel Academy Member, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Panel Discussion
Prof. Erez Berg, Weizmann Institute of Science | 2019 Blavatnik Laureate in Physical Sciences & Engineering
Prof. Oded Rechavi, Tel Aviv University | 2018 Blavatnik Laureate in Life Sciences
Prof. Tamar Ziegler, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Young Academy Alumna

19:15 Reception in the Academy Gardens

The lectures will be in English ההרצאות תתקיימנה בשפה האנגלית 

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